24 March 2006

I think I should move to Miami

Don't get me wrong. I love the Ft Lauderdale pub scene and the general laid back feeling that you get in most of the places. However, if I start from Wednesday night I was at the Hotel Victor for a Hilary McRae gig.

Thursday night I was at The Road for another Hilary gig.

Today I had a lunch meeting at the Ritz-Carlton in Coconut Grove for a breast cancer walk I'm participating in with friends.

Tomorrow I'm going to Ultrafest, which I am pretty bloody stoked about.

Sunday is the NASDAQ-100 tennis open. I'm hoping to get some good pictures there... I'll be sitting in the VIP section ;-)

All this leads to the conclusion that I really should be living further south than I am now.


Anonymous said...

bugger, ultra music festival looks awesome!!!

andy C, roni size, prodigy just for them id fly there!

Kristian Golding said...

cjb, it was awesome. If yourself, Nav and Chief were here ... god damn .... it would have been even *more* awesome!

(yeah, I know how you guys hate it when I reply through my blog... I can nearly hear Nav bitchin' about that now :-p)

Anonymous said...

i've decided to keep this blog comment conversation going. so ...

yeah i'd love to see prodigy i keep missing them when they come though, i can't really complain as i missed nosia the other night cos of a friends bday but i'll probably go to el hornet this fri, but we'll see.

ps. surly says f#@$ off u f#$@#en f#$#$er for going to a festival that good

Kristian Golding said...

actually, the only downside to the festival is how unwell I'm feeling now. I think we inhaled a lot of bad Miami dust that day and a few of us in the group have developed some flu like symptoms since then.

However, your P.S. comment has spurred me on to post up some pics (and movies?) that I took.