01 November 2004

A pretty standard weekend in Key West

I didn't get up to that much. I got some good sleep on a water bed Friday night but had to have a cold shower Saturday morning. I watched a parade Saturday night. I got about 1 or 2 hours of sleep in the back of a car Sunday morning. I bailed a friend out of jail Sunday afternoon and then went home Sunday night. A pretty standard Key West experience.


Ok ok, yes that was the most insane weekend ever and I'm having a hard time both staying awake at the moment and digesting what actually happened. I've got a stack of photos that I took; unfortunately I can only upload *some* of them to my Webshots account. Those photos will be the worksafe ones. The rest are *not* worksafe (lots of body paint and not very many clothes) and I'll find somewhere to post them. Stay tuned! (I'm sure you will now).

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